Schedule an Acupuncture/Herbal Medicine Appointment
In person: I'm currently available to see patients in my Arlington, MA office by appointment only, Monday through Friday, 1-6 PM. Full intake, diagnosis, acupuncture treatment and herbal and supplement recommendations are included. Saturday hours are available for new patients only, since an initial visit may take up to two hours.
Online: I'm available for online consultation most weekdays, after 1 PM and into the evening. Consultation includes verbal intake, diagnosis, herbal and supplement recommendations, and self-care instruction related to your health concern. Alternatively, you may request a Distance Healing session. See below.
Please use the contact form on this page to schedule an appointment.
Request a Distance Healing Treatment
No matter where you are located in the world, you can schedule a Distance Healing treatment series. For many people, this is the most convenient option, since you don't have to interrupt your day to get all the benefits of these treatments. I'll require both a current close-up headshot and full body photo (fully clothed), as hard copies physically mailed to me, not as a digital email attachment, and a description of your health needs. That's the only preparation necessary for you.
The one-time session fee is $150. This includes the treatment and an email follow-up explaining my findings. If you choose to continue within a week of your first treatment, the initial fee will be credited towards the discounted rate for a monthly series.
For a series of four treatments in one month (recommended for greatest benefits), the fee is $500. With a treatment series, you will also get recommendations for supplements, Chinese and other exercises, and lifestyle adjustments appropriate to your needs at the end of your first series. Following as much of that advice as you can will greatly accelerate your return to full wellness.
Please use the contact form on this page to ask questions or schedule a Distance Healing.
Enroll in a Qigong or Taiji Class, or Book a Private Lesson
Live Classes
During the phased reopening of the covid lockdown, live classes and workshops are still suspended. I'm currently available to see students for private lessons, one-on-one, in my Arlington, MA office on Fridays only, 1-5 PM.
Online Classes and Workshops
I teach a number of monthly online classes. Most of what I teach is cumulative, so unless you already have some training in the course you'd like to learn, you'll need to start at the beginning of a new class.
• For classes that meet regularly, most begin with two-hour classes meeting twice a month, and later as you have more to practice, they change to three-hour classes meeting once a month. Meeting schedules may be modified by group consensus. Classes are kept small enough to ensure everyone gets ample personal attention and feedback.
• Special event workshops vary by topic. Some may be a 4-hour class that meets just once, while others may meet longer or over the course of several weeks, one day a week. To learn when these workshops are offered, please join my email list, and you’ll be notified as soon as they’re scheduled.
Classes are held on Zoom, and tuition typically ranges between $40-45 per class hour. Longer classes may be offered at a reduced hourly rate.
At this time, I don't have enough indoor space to offer online Taiji Long Form instruction, but all other classes are possible.
Online Private Lessons
These can be scheduled at any time that is mutually convenient for us. All subjects are possible in this format except Taiji Long Form. For a single private one-hour lesson, tuition is $130. If you schedule weekly lessons, tuition is discounted to $450 prepaid per month. If you schedule a single lesson to see if you like it, you can apply that amount to the discounted monthly rate if you decide to continue within a week of your first lesson. Private lessons can be held on Zoom (preferred), Facetime, or Skype.
• Wait List Policy
For ongoing online classes, a relatively new venture for me, I first set up a Wait List. This lets me keep track of the people who are interested in the same course, on the same days and times, and offers the greatest flexibility in accommodating people living in different time zones and with different schedules.
To make this happen, contact me with the courses you're interested in, and the days and times (Eastern Time) you are available to attend. I'll send you a return email letting you know I have your request and that you are on the Wait List for that class. As soon as I hear from enough people who want the same class and have the same availability, I'll get back to you with confirmation of start date, time, and tuition payment instructions.
Currently On The Wait List:
• Gods Playing In The Clouds Qigong. 1 person on the Wait List.
• Daoist Longevity Breathing: 2 people on the Wait List
• Energy Gates Qigong, 1 person on the Wait List.
• Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong, 2 people on the Wait List
Current In-Session Class Schedule, 2022
• Energy Gates Qigong, intermediate-advanced level, 2nd Sunday of each month, 2-5 PM.
• The Marriage of Heaven and Earth, 3rd Sunday of each month, 2-5 PM.
For 2022 Classes and Workshops, see the Calendar here.
Join My Email List!
This is the best way to keep informed about all upcoming class offerings, including special topic one-day events, new free online videos, blogs (coming soon), and other related content. When the lockdown is over, you'll also be notified of live workshops, and expanded in-person appointment availability for acupuncture, therapeutic bodywork, and private lessons. Your information will never be sold or given to anyone else, and will never be used for any purpose other than those stated here.
As a thank you for joining my mailing list, I'll send you a pdf of my article, "Qigong Basics For Everyone", first published in Qi: The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health and Fitness.
Please use the contact form on this page to be added to my mailing list, to schedule a private lesson, or to be added to the Wait List for any new class that interests you.
When using this Contact Form, please include a relevant message, however brief, just so I know it isn't spam. Thank you!